Code Enforcement Rules

Code Enforcement Rules

Please refer and adhere to all code enforcement sections listed in order to keep our neighborhood up to South Fulton Codes. Not abiding by these sections could lead to citations and/or fines by South Fulton County Code Enforcement officers.Enforcement process Enforcement usually begins with a written Notice of violation. Violation provided to the owner and/or occupant. The notice shall be posted at the property or sent via mail. The notice shallcontain a deadline for compliance. If the violation continues past the deadline, the Code Officer will issue a citation for appearance in Municipal Court.


Fences and walls shall be maintained in a structurally Sound condition, in good repair, and free from loose orrotting mterials . If painted, the paint on such fences and walls shall be maintained without excess wear asevidenced by peeling, chipping, or flaking. Fences and walls shall be kept clean of visible signs of mold, mildeworalgae growths.


Premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from grass ,weeds , or uncultivated vegetation in excess of six inches in height .all weeds shall be maintained perthis section but shall also be contained so as not to encroach on adjacent properties.


Premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from grass ,weeds , or uncultivated vegetation in excess of six inches in height .all weeds shall be maintained perthis section but shall also be contained so as not to encroach on adjacent properties.


Each owner shall keep and maintain each lot and any Structure , as well as all landscaping , in good conditions  and repairs, including , but not limited to the:
( 1 ) Repairing and painting ;
( 2 ) Appropriate external care of all structures ;
( 3 ) Seeding , watering and mowing of all lawns ; and
( 4 ) Pruning and trimming of all trees, hedges and shrubbery so that the same are not obstructive of a view by motorist or pedestrians of street or side walk traffic .

SEC.3 - 6009. - VEHICLES.

Except when being utilized in a temporary , city permitted construction projecton the lotin question, it shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle defined below to park on a residential zoned lot or city right of way , any vehicle meeting any one of the following classifications:

( 1 )  A commercial vehicle exceeding 30 feet in length (for Purposes of this length restriction, a trailer hitched to  a car , motor vehicle, or truck shall be measured as a separate vehicle);
( 2 )  A commercial vehicle whose gross vehicle weight rating exceeds 18,000 pounds;
( 3 )  A commercial vehicle which sits upon more than two axles;
( 4 )  A commercial vehicle which sits , or is designed to sit , upon more than six wheels;
( 5 )  A trailer of a tractor-trailer or a semi-trailer;
(6 )  Junk vehicles shall not be kept, permitted, parked, stored, or maintained on any premise or public street right-of-way.

Junk vehicles found to be on any public street shall be subject to immediate removal to an impound facility by an officer of thecity of south fulton police department.

SEC.3 - 6009. - VEHICLES.

Except when being utilized in a temporary , city permitted construction projecton the lotin question, it shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle defined below to park on a residential zoned lot or city right of way , any vehicle meeting any one of the following classifications:

( 1 )  A commercial vehicle exceeding 30 feet in length (for Purposes of this length restriction, a trailer hitched to  a car , motor vehicle, or truck shall be measured as a separate vehicle);
( 2 )  A commercial vehicle whose gross vehicle weight rating exceeds 18,000 pounds;
( 3 )  A commercial vehicle which sits upon more than two axles;
( 4 )  A commercial vehicle which sits , or is designed to sit , upon more than six wheels;
( 5 )  A trailer of a tractor-trailer or a semi-trailer;
(6 )  Junk vehicles shall not be kept, permitted, parked, stored, or maintained on any premise or public street right-of-way.

Junk vehicles found to be on any public street shall be subject to immediate removal to an impound facility by an officer of thecity of south fulton police department.


Basketball goals shall be maintained in good repair and  p o sitioned in such a way that those using the goal are Not located within the right-of-way.

SEC. 18-3004. Dog and Horse feces to be removed by owner

(a) Violation. It is unlawful for any dog and/or owner, and/or person having custody of any dog and/or horse to fail to immediately remove and dispose of in a legal manner, any feces deposited by such animal upon:
  1. Any sidewalk, gutter, street, or other public area, or
  2. Private property, without the consent of the property owner or person in lawful possession of the property.
  3. Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a blind person being accompanied by a guide dog.
  4. Penalty. Violators of this section shall be subject to punishment and/or fines, as allowed by law.
  5. Encouragement to persons filing complaints. Persons wishing to file a complaint against another for violating this ordinance are encouraged to provide the city police department with:
    • Name & Address of the violator; and
    • Recordings and/or other evidence showing sufficient proof of such violation against person alleged.

SEC. 18-4001. Precautions to be taken by owners

(a) It shall be the duty of every owner of any vicious animal or anyone having any such animal in his possession or custody, to ensure that the vicious animal or dangerous or potentially dangerous dog id kept under restraint, as prescribed in this title and that reasonable care and precautions are taken to prevent the vicious animal or dangerous or potentially dangerous dog from leaving, while unattended, the real property limits of its owner, custodian, or harborer, and it is securely and humanely enclosed within a house, building, fence, locked pen, or other enclosure out of which it cannot climb, dig, jump, or otherwise escape on its own volition. Such enclosure must be securely locked at any time the animal is left unattended so that children are prevented from entry and to prevent the vicious animal or dangerous or potentially dangerous dog from escaping.